

Our robust publications crafted with the intent to train and educate women to harness the power in them for the world to see.

Extra seats bill

5 Things You Should Know About the Extra Seats Bill

The journey towards gender equality in Nigeria has taken a significant step forward with the introduction and progression of the Extra Seats Bill. This bill, designed to enhance female representation in the nation’s parliamentary system, is a landmark piece of

National Head Girl Competition

The National Head Girl Project: Equipping Young Female Leaders 

Women In Leadership Advancement Network (WILAN) is an international organization based in Nigeria dedicated to promoting women’s leadership across all levels of society.   One of our flagship initiatives, the National Head Girl Project, aims to equip young female leaders in

The leading woman show

WILAN Seeks Production Partner for The Leading Woman Show Season 3 

Calling all talented production companies. WILAN (Women in Leadership Advancement Network), a leading advocate for gender-balanced leadership in Nigeria, is seeking proposals from experienced production companies to develop Season 3 of its impactful TV show, The Leading Woman Show.  About

7 FREE Leadership Training Opportunities For You in 2024 

Do you dream of becoming a more confident and impactful leader? We all do! But exceptional leadership skills don’t have to come with a hefty price tag. Here at WILAN Global, we’re passionate about empowering aspiring leaders, and that’s why

HERtitude 2024

WILAN at HERtitude 2024: Celebrating Leadership 

We launched our first physical activation for our #MsRepresented campaign! WILAN in partnership with Zikoko, participated in Nigeria’s largest female-only festival, HERtitude 2024. As a sponsor, we were involved in various activities that aligned with the WILAN goals and objectives.  From

financial empowerment

Financial Empowerment: Unlocking Women’s Economic Potential 

In today’s economic landscape, women’s financial empowerment is not just a matter of gender equality, but a crucial aspect of sustainable development and societal progress. As we strive to create an inclusive and prosperous future, it is imperative to address

Gender Equity: A Pathway to Inclusive Leadership and Governance 

As a society, we have come to recognize that true progress lies in embracing diversity and empowering individuals from all walks of life to contribute their unique perspectives and experiences. Achieving gender equality has become a crucial requirement for fostering


Quotas Work, Women Count: Embracing Gender Equality 

In the grand scheme of life, balance is essential. When one element dominates while excluding another, the universe becomes lopsided, leading to disparities and injustices. This reality is strikingly evident in the realm of gender representation, where women have historically

Do Men Really Support Women? Let’s Find Out 

Do men really support women? It’s a question that often crosses our minds in conversations about equality and support. We often want to see if the actions match up with the talk. Are there reasons why some men might hesitate

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